ITALY - Siracusa
XIV Istituto Comprensivo Karol Wojtyla
The school "Karol Wojtyla" is located in
Siracusa, Sicily. It's a big school in a relatively new area of the town, that
includes the first three educational cycles of the Italian Education system:
kintergarden (pupils from 3 to 5 years old), primary school (from 6 to 10 years
old) and middle school (from 11 to 13 years old), for a total of more than 900
students. The urban area in which the school is located offers a middle class
social context, even if the identity of the school is made up also of a territorial
educational and alphabetization centre for adult foreign students. The school
is an educational institution specialized in the study and training of music
and is also an ECDL test centre. As Siracusa is an UNESCO world heritage town,
the school pays high attention to educate students to study and respect
cultural heritage sites in the town and the surroundings. Every year a theatre
project is indeed running in which students perform ancient Greek plays in a
real ancient Greek Theatre. Another important action is a lab about sperimantal
Archeology in cooperation with the "P. Orsi" Regional Archeology
Museum which hosts an important area dedicated to Ancient Roman culture. The
school has a successful Comenius project currently running.
All these school actions, supported by specific competences in each area, are targeted to have students use different learning formats, develop and address their potentials, acquire a deeper awareness of themselves in an international context.